Wk 12 — Artist OTW — Heather Anacker & Krista Feld
About the Artist
Heather and Krista are a collaborative group that have a gallery at CSULB. In this gallery they present a show called “Dwelling”. Their work explores old and unique ideas. The artists seem very simple and don't use expensive things for their art.
Formal Analysis
One section in the art gallery consists of herbs and stardust. They are placed in jars and stacked lined up side-by-side on a shelf. They are each a different color and have scents coming out of them. There is also an old sewing kit with tools. Some pieces are also so tiny that you must come in close to see it. The gallery consisted of massive pieces that would require you to come close to get a nice idea of what is going on.
Content Analysis
For their gallery, the artists wanted to make the people feel more vulnerable so they make them take their shoes off. This allows them to be more engaged when looking through the gallery. They wanted an encouraging system to have people spend more time studying the artwork. The artist also included herbs in the gallery to portray comfort and a nice scent for the people exploring the gallery. The artists used natural vegetables to extract color to use as dye.
Synthesis/ My Experience
I like how the artist's main thing was to make people feel comfortable and connected when going through the gallery. I feel like human connection and making them feel something is important so I really resonate with that. I remember in high school I went on a trip to an art gallery and we weren't allowed to speak. The silence allowed people to focus on seeing the artwork and being connected with the pieces rather than speaking with one another.