Grace Hanna
Oct 22, 2020

Wk 9 — Art Activity — Student Choice, Part 2

This was my original vision, but it was black and white at first with only a pencil sketch, and now it's colored.

My project differed from my original vision by the difference in the colors I ended up using. They were brighter, I wanted my colors to be more faded when I first imagined it.

I think my project was a success because it made me remember the time when I was in the place that I drew and make me feel homesick but at the same time content.

I don't think my project got weaker, I think that it got stronger will the coloring which made it seem more real. The colors made the picture easier to notice the setting which is of a tree in nature.

I was trying to explore different ways of coloring in my picture. How certain lines give a stronger relation to the real image. I did achieve my goals this picture communicates the idea of a place I love.

If I were to do this project again I would maybe try drawing a lot slower and attempting to draw the same picture multiple times in order to perfect it better.

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